Rainwater Harvesting & Renewable Energy
Orkeeswa Village, Tanzania
Our team worked to do two projects in Orkeeswa Village, Tanzania. Both projects were implemented successfully, and we continue to assists with maintenance and training.
Renewable Energy
Orkeeswa Secondary School is located far off an electrical grid, but needed electricity to provide hands-on training and teach students the skills needed in a modern world.
To address this, our team designed and installed a battery-based photovoltaic energy system for the campus. We focused on solar energy to take advantage of the school’s location near the equator, where ample sunlight is available.
Water in Lashaine Village & Orkeeswa
Lashaine Village relies on rainwater during the wet season, while water becomes very scarce during the long dry season. At the school, they collected rainwater from the classroom roofs and stored it in small plastic tanks. But the storage volume in the plastic tanks was insufficient to last through the dry season. This was the challenge we set out to solve.
The team worked with Chloride Exide to purchase PV equipment and install it at Orkeeswa in June 2010. This project received a grant from Boeing. EWB continues to monitor the PV system at Orkeeswa and assists with maintenance and training.
Project Details
Orkeeswa Village, Tanzania
This project is not currently active.
Read more about the project
Article: Solar Energy Powers Remote African School in US Tech